torsdag den 21. juni 2007

Norwegian International - 20-22 July 2007

For the first time a Triple Judged APHA show in Norway!

First Paint O'Rama in Norway!

First Appaloosa Show in Norway!

Norwegian Paint Horse Association and Western Riders Association of Norway have the pleasure of inviting everyone to a three day show at Steinseth Ridesenter in Asker!

Class Divisions are as follows:

3 X WRAN all breeds classes Norway Cup 2007, Rookie 2007

3 X APHA classes, Open, Amateur, Youth and Solid Paint Bred

2 X AQHA classes, Open, Amateur and Youth

1 X Appaloosa, Open, Amateur and Youth

NSBAS Open and Non Pro, Hunter under Saddle, Western Pleasure and Trail.

SRHA Open, Non Pro and Rookie


Martha O. Sayles, New Mexico, USA

Danly C. Sayles, New Mexico, USA

Simone De Geus, Belgium

Show Manager: Line Christine Prestkværn.

Phone. +47 40 20 21 84, fax +47 623 68 946, email

Show Secretary: Monica Widh.

Phone: +46 (0)705 21 22 04,

Fax: + 46 (0)415-404 61,


This is a Show for everyone: from the youngest novice to the most seasoned professional.

There will also be other activities for those who wish to take a breather from horses. Like exhibitor stands, golfing, children’s jumping castle and much more.

Steinseth Ridesenter serves a full dinner menu and the adjoining “Peisestua” is a relaxing place to chat with friends. Both indoor arenas have spectator areas and in addition to the outdoor arena, there is a lovely grassy area where you can relax and enjoy the show. There is a snack stand in the larger indoor arena.


In the evening, you can relax in the Peisestua with dinner and drinks and you'll be entertained by one of our local artists. A mechanical Bull will be set up and a bullride competition will be held. This is truly one of the highlights of the evening show - you don´t want to miss a real bullriding Rodeo Competition. Sign up at the Show Office – the entry fee kr. 20,- and maybe you will be the winner of a Trophy Belt Buckle!

Do not miss Saturday’s event!!!

There will be more exciting competition and on Saturday evening a Charity Concert will be held. Some of Norway’s up-and-coming artists have offered to perform for free to benefit the ”Marita Stiftelsen” (which works actively to prevent chemical addiction and help with rehabilitation). The artists will give you a real musical treat, and you will be among the first to discover some of these new entertainers!!!

Two showpases per horse give the participants access to the showgrounds and you will get a special price for the tickets to the Charity Concert. You can buy tickets for yourself and your family at the show office. Other guests at the show may buy their tickets at Peisestua or the Kiosk.

Do not forget about Sunday,

There will be more exciting classes, fun activities for young and old, and the awards presentation, both the high point and the Nordic Championship.

The barn has an indoor wash rack, and there is an outdoor wash rack as well with hot and cold water. There are 20 permanent stalls in the barn, reserved for those that will stay for the entire show from Thursday to Sunday afternoon. For all others there will be portable stalls available outside.

Stall price is NOK 900.- for the three days. Shavings will be placed in all stalls at arrival and must be emptied completely before departure. A deposit of NOK 100,- for cleaning the stall will be charged upon arrival. This will be refunded after inspection by the barn manager. Extra shavings can purchased.

It will be possible for those who wish to make a small pasture/paddock for your horse, and to connect your electric fence to the existing one. The horse owner assumes all responsibility for his horse and personal property.

Bathrooms are to be found at camping site, by the indoor arenas and at the barn, and please note that there are only two showers on site.

The Showgrounds will be closed for unnecessary driving during the show and Contestants will be asked to park their vehicles within designated areas. There will be a load/unload zone at the showgrounds to be used before and after show hours. Please contact the parking guard or show office for information.

Holmen Fjordhotell is a lovely seaside hotel which offers all the amenities for those who wish more comfortable quarters after a long day. You can book directly with them. Ph: + 47 66 77 27 00. Web:

Customs warranty for entering Norway;

Correctly filled out forms for passing the border and copies of the horse’s registration papers MUST to be received by the show manager by June 29th, 2007 at the latest in order for your horse to be registered to pass the border under our group customs warranty.

Send by e-mail to Show Manger:

Line Christine Prestkvaern, fax to +47 623 689 46, or by post to:

Line Christine Prestkværn, Postboks 232, 2391 Moelv, Norway.

Entry forms and relevant documentation are to be sent to:

Show Secretary Monica Widh, Östraby 9172, SE-242 97 Hörby, Sweden.

Phone: +46 (0)705 21 22 04, Fax: + 46 (0)415-404 61, e-mail:

Show entry closes at June 29th, post stamp date will be used. Late fee 300 kr.

IMPORTANT!! Entries are to be made to show office by 19.00 hours at the latest the night before the actual class. Entries for classes held in the afternoon must be in before the show office closes the same morning the class is to be held. This does not apply to the Halter classes on Friday where entries and changes can be made before 7:30 the same morning.

IMPORTANT!! A copy of the horses registration papers and riders current membership card, and in some cases owners membership card (SRHA and Appaloosa), shall accompany the entry form. If not possible, you must bring this to the show office when registering in order to show your horse.

Responsibility: Show management cannot to be held responsible for any injury to horse or persons or damage to/theft of other personal property. Participants are asked to do their utmost to prevent and avoid such situations.

Rules: The use of alcohol on the showgrounds is prohibited until the last rider has left the show arena and the judges have finished judging the last class of the day. It is also prohibited to use alcohol within one hour before class start in the morning. Violations against these rules and obvious signs of alcohol use can result in the person being asked to leave the showgrounds.

The showgrounds includes the back lower side of Steinseth Ridesenter including the arenas, barn, warm-up ring and areas where horses and riders are present.

Use of illegal substances are governed by Norway Goverment law regarding sports activities. See Norsk Lov, AQHA Rule Book, APHA Rule Book, Appaloosa Rule Book and WRAN’s Rulebook.

Unsportsmanlike conduct and violation of ethic rules and/or Norways animal rights will result in serious reprimands.


Office Fee: NOK 50:- / back number.

APHA fee: NPK 30:- pr horse.

Meeting Card can ONLY be bought before entries closing date ie. 22 June.

WRAN; NOK 1500.-

APHA; NOK 1500.-

AQHA; NOK 1000.-

Appaloosa; NOK 500.-

NSBAS; Open NOK 300:-, Non Pro NOK 250:-. Jackpot, 50% payback.

SRHA; Open NOK 300:-, Non Pro NOK 250:-, Rookie NOK 250:-. Jackpot, 50% payback.

Late Fee: NOK 300:- pr. Horse & Rider combination in WRAN and pr horse in APHA, AQHA and Appaloosa.

Classfees for single or late entries and additional classes:

3 x APHA: NOK 350.- pr. class.

3 x WRAN: NOK 350.- pr. class.

2 x AQHA: NOK 250.- pr. class.

Appaloosa: NOK 120.- pr. class.

1x WRAN (Showmanship at Halter/Western Riding/Walk and Trot): NOK 100.- pr. class.

Stall: 900.- inkl. 1 bale of shavings.

Deposit for cleaning of stalls: 100.-

Additional shavings: 75.- pr. bale.

Camping with electricity: RV or Camper 250.-

Camping without electricity: RV or Camper 100.-

Tent: 50.-

Entry closing time: 22. June 2007

Entry form at:

Norwegian Paint Horse Association and Western Riders Association of Norway Which you welcome to a eventful show!

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