tirsdag den 4. december 2007

Rescheduling of Mallorca Western Festival 2008

Since the FEI (Fédération Equestre Internationale) decided last week to change the date of the World Championship of Reining 2008 in Italy (11.-14.09.2008) ...

... the date of the Mallorca Western Festival 2008 will be postponed by one week (18.-21.09.2008).

Although the date of the Mallorca Western Festival was agreed upon with the NRHA before in order to avoid a scheduling conflict, the World Championship of Reining in Italy was now scheduled for exactly that same date. Therefore the organizers of the Mallorca Western Festival have decided to reschedule their date.

After all it is not the intention of the promoter to impose this scheduling conflict neither on fans nor riders. Each professional rider from the USA and Europe and all the other countries should be able to participate in both events – the World Championship of Reining as well as the highly remunerated Mallorca Western Festival.

We will be commenting next week about this incomprehensible and inconsiderate behaviour of the participating organizations.

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